The Geognosy of the Appalachians and the Origin of Cristalline Rocks [microform]: an Address to the American Association for the Advancement of Science by Thomas Sterry Hunt, LL.D., on Retiring From the Office of President of the Association, ...
by Thomas Sterry 1826-1892 Hunt, American Association for the Advancem (Creator)
Some Physical Characteristics of Native Tribes of Canada [microform]: Address by Daniel Wilson, LL.D., F.R.S.C., Vice President, Section H, Before the Section of Anthropology, American Association for the Advancement of Science, at Montreal, Canada, ...
by Sir Daniel Wilson (Creator), American Association for the Advancem (Creator)
Outlines of Geologic History, With Especial Reference to North America; a Series of Essays Involving a Discussion of Geologic Correlation Presented Before Section E of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Baltimore, December, 1908
by Rollin D 1859-1922 Salisbury (Creator), Bailey 1857-1949 Willis, American Association for the Advancem (Creator)