One of several low-budget science fiction entries cranked out in the wake of Star Wars by Italian director Alfonso Brescia (here under the pseudonym Al Bradley), this silly film takes place on Earth (now renamed "Sol 3") in the year 2312. The planet is sold to an evil despot named Kress, and it is up to the kindly Professor Maury and his ragtag band of human and robot friends to reclaim the planet from Kress and his cyborg army. Familiar faces include Gianni Garko, Malisa Longo, and Chris Avram, veterans of numerous ...
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One of several low-budget science fiction entries cranked out in the wake of Star Wars by Italian director Alfonso Brescia (here under the pseudonym Al Bradley), this silly film takes place on Earth (now renamed "Sol 3") in the year 2312. The planet is sold to an evil despot named Kress, and it is up to the kindly Professor Maury and his ragtag band of human and robot friends to reclaim the planet from Kress and his cyborg army. Familiar faces include Gianni Garko, Malisa Longo, and Chris Avram, veterans of numerous European thrillers. Robert Firsching, Rovi
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